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Bark To Me Please!

July 9, 2018

If you’re a new owner of small puppies, then your world has changed, and for the better we add!


Dogs have a way of enriching our lives in so many ways. Sometimes we just don’t know how, but they do. Now that you’re a pet owner, you’ve probably cuddled with and talked to your dogs countless times. Your small puppies have responded, but you aren’t quite sure what they’ve said. Dogs communicate their thoughts all of the time, to humans and other dogs. It’s just done in their own language. How? Read on to learn!

Doggie Body Language

Whether they’re small puppies are large adult dogs, they all communicate with their bodies. Here are some typical signs they use:

Dog-to-Dog Communication

Dogs know how to “speak” and physically convey their feelings to other dogs, by doing the following:

Barking Dogs

Not all dogs are big barkers, but when they do it means that they’re talking and their barks can mean a myriad of things. The pitch and volume will increase with the dog’s emotional levels.

A study conducted by Hungarian researchers tested 6,000 different barks from 14 Hungarian sheepdogs using special software. The results concluded that 43% of the time the software correctly identified what the dog was trying to communicate.

Proper and consistent training will help your small puppies and you understand each other. It’s such a joyful thing when it’s achieved!


The post Bark To Me Please! appeared first on Petland Blog.

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